

Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (“SEI”) recognizes that compliance with laws and corporate ethics by the whole Sumitomo Electric Group is most important in the foundation of management.  In order to enhance this policy, SEI has retained a service company and established an external contact for reporting on compliance issues to be commonly used by Sumitomo Electric Group companies across the world.

Any employees of the Sumitomo Electric Group as well as its business partners outside the Group may report actual or suspected illegal or unethical behaviour occurring in Sumitomo Electric Group to an external contact, besides the existing internal contacts within the company. The reported issue will be notified directly to the office at SEI’s Compliance Committee. The office and selected appropriate members will cooperate in investigation and necessary action accordingly.


Check the whistleblowing phone number of your region or make an online report clicking here:   Sumitomo Electric Group Hotline


SEPE Whistleblowing Policy EMEA V1.0 EN.
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